In Tandem Gallery specializes in exceptional, functional, handmade ceramic art and studio pottery.
- Bakersville NC -

These are the most soothing and relatable pieces I can imagine right now. Bright and beautiful flower motifs, with a huge graphic feel that just provides that needed accent to anyones table - plus, what a great reminder that spring is a coming. Thank you, Molly Lithgo for dropping off this glorious body of work. A special something for any table.

Ummmm, I could not love this work more 💞. Makes me want to take a deep, cleansing breath. Ahhhh, that’s better. These are just 2 pieces of the color-saturated, silky smooth, ceramic work of Montana artist Chris Alveshere. With a nod towards unconventional forms, 1950’s plasticware, Skittles candies, and a whole lot of ingenuity… Chris makes these gems for whatever you wish to use them for. Huge knobs - YES. Candy necklace dots - YES. Round pedestal bases and super large lids and swirled claybodies… - YES YES and YES again!! Plus a whole lot more. The most un-ceramic looking ceramics I’ve ever seen. Thanks Chris!!

Just so folks don’t think that we’ve been on vacation the whole time these past few months… we have added a TON of new work and artists to our gallery. Honestly. We’re always looking for ceramicists who captivate our interest and inspire us with their creations, and hopefully, it’ll do the same for you. If there is someone you think we’re neglecting, please reach out and let us know. We’re always ready to check out ceramicists we’re unfamiliar with, and it’s something I LOVE to do anytime I can😉.

Recently, a dear dear friend/ceramics collector/philanthropist/and the most lovely human being you could ever know; out of the blue, sent us numerous boxes of work from her collection. She asked that we sell the pieces she sent and donate all the proceeds to our Bakersville non-profit to help w/ rebuilding our small and devastated town. Not only was this a huge delightful surprise but the pieces she sent were just FABULOUS! Just look at that Michael Simon tumbler, and that Mike Jabbur teapot!! And from the bottom of our hearts - thank you, you’re the absolute BEST💋!! So, please check out online this sweet show and as always - thank you for your support…

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I'm always fascinated by Joanna's eclectic and unconventional choices in stones. The vast array of tools and materials in her studio, along with the stunning colors and textures of both rough and faceted gemstones, serve as her primary design inspirations. Joanna thrives on designing and working with her hands, ensuring she is deeply involved in crafting each vibrant piece of jewelry. Her genuine passion for materials and techniques sets her company apart, making it truly unique.

A private 360 tour of our gallery

New Article - Ceramics Monthly

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My wife Silvia and I have only been in the gallery business for just over five years now (plus two more years spent managing Crimson Laurel Gallery). It wasn’t something either of us had a background in or even considered when thinking about a career or starting a business, but like many things that happen in life, it just happened. (…)

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