Bryan Hopkins - Plate - bho004

Bryan Hopkins - Porcelain funcional ceramic - In Tandem Gallery - - Bakersville NC
Bryan Hopkins - Porcelain funcional ceramic - In Tandem Gallery - - Bakersville NC
Bryan Hopkins - Porcelain funcional ceramic - In Tandem Gallery - - Bakersville NC
Bryan Hopkins - Porcelain funcional ceramic - In Tandem Gallery - - Bakersville NC
Bryan Hopkins - Porcelain funcional ceramic - In Tandem Gallery - - Bakersville NC
Bryan Hopkins - Porcelain funcional ceramic - In Tandem Gallery - - Bakersville NC

Bryan Hopkins - Plate - bho004


Height: 1" Length: 8" - Width: 6.5"
”Porcelain is my drug of choice. It satisfies and frustrates and I am fully addicted. My interest in porcelain is its translucence and color, and I push the clay as far as it will go, firing to a very high temperature to obtain the whitest result possible. Porcelain is associated with the upper class, and is seen as fragile and pure. My use of industrial textures and loose style of construction questions those assumptions.”

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