Nancy Gardner - Creamer - nga104
Nancy Gardner - Creamer - nga104
Height: 5.25" - Length: 5" - Width: 2.5"
Red earthenware, underglaze, glaze - 04 bisque/05 glaze
I'm adding work constantly, so check back often to see what's new in the gallery.
20 North Mitchell Ave. • Bakersville, NC • 28705 - Ph:(828) 688-6428
Height: 5.25" - Length: 5" - Width: 2.5"
Red earthenware, underglaze, glaze - 04 bisque/05 glaze
In Tandem Gallery • 20 North Mitchell Ave, Bakersville, NC 28705 • intandemgallery@gmail.com
Gallery Ph: (828) 537-5539 • Cell Ph: (607) 345-5461 - Cell Ph: (828) 434-0146 • Hours: Wed.-Sat. 11 - 4:30 •
Or feel free to call us to schedule an appointment; we're always happy to open the gallery just for you.