In Tandem Gallery specializes in exceptional, functional, handmade ceramic art and studio pottery.
- Bakersville NC -

A little update from Andy and Silvia

As you may know, our gallery is located in Western North Carolina, which was recently devastated by Hurricane Helene. While we're relieved to report that both we and the gallery are safe, we regret to inform you that we had to temporarily close our physical location. There is limited road access, no internet, electricity just came on yesterday (Friday) afternoon to some locations, but the majority of the town is still out, and no water or cell service…

BUT…Our online gallery will remain open, and we will continue to fulfill orders through that platform. Once a week, we will be traveling to Tennessee to ship out orders from the nearest operational post office as well as pick up supplies for folks.

We truly appreciate your understanding and continued support during this challenging time. The artists definitely are too.

How can you help
Help Rebuild Bakersville after Hurricane Helene
Support the artists

So, right before Helene, we were given a bunch of work from an avid collector (with great taste I must say…). I always adore going through and re-homing these well loved gems. Hopefully, you’ll find something you love and get adopt! 💓

OK It’s time for a story - and introductions… This is Jess and Rob Sutherland; PHENOMENAL ceramicists from Athens, GA who I stumbled upon while scrolling on Instagram. I’d never seen their work before - but when I did, I was totally blown away. The forms and imagery… unbelievable.

First up – this little gem of a coffee mug!! This is the work that stopped me in my tracks when I first came across it on Gooddirt_athens Instagram account. I contacted them a year or so ago to line up a show and was overwhelmed by their graciousness, talent, appreciation, humor, technical knowledge, and just everything you’d want in people you hope to be around constantly (Yep! definitely BFF material!). There is just soooooo much fantastic work here I can’t even begin to gush over it all in this newsletter. My hope is too have many many more shows of their work in the future - and to hang out with them regularly. 💓

Featured Artist: Sam Scott

You probably thought from the images above that this was going to be a 2-person show… You couldn’t be more pleasantly wrong. Most all artists experiment or try different styles or attempt to switch up what they normally make - and most attempts are beneficial in some ways but not always effective. Sam Scott has definitely mastered this challenge, in spades. The monochromatic black drips are what I’d know Sam for (which are amazing!!). And when he started the more impressionistic, colorful, atmospheric vegetative style years ago I was just blown away! How can someone be so good creating 2 totally different looks to their work?? No idea, but I’m so very glad he is!!

Our last delivery, which was a couple of weeks ago, was of the work of Peter Karner! Talk about a treasure trove of gems!! His Mediterranean-inspired, patterned work with that glorious green copper patinated glaze is like silk and cashmere for the eyes. All online now.

Oh. My. Word… seriously, my fingers could not type this post fast enough! Sooo, Ben Eberle is one of my ceramic idols - his forms, his firings, his ability to make throwing these beauties look effortless… He’s agreed to do a show with us in 2025 BUT has sent some work our way just to provide a taste of what he can do! LOVE IT!!! And check out his instagram page to see those making videos of his: /

Chaotic and a bizarre, yes, but I’m not gonna lie… I kinda want to bring all these creatures to life and adopt them. They’re just SOOO at wits end - and I think I can relate? This is both the newest work by the ceramic icon Ron Meyers, as well as pieces from his personal collection that he created over 40 years ago -you can see how his style morphed a bit and got more layered - but still super expressive and dynamic. Ron has been such a huge influence on an amazing amount of artists, and he’s been an enormous part of our lives. So, get a piece of this historical/contemporary work if you can!

New Online


I mean, come on. STUN - NING! Mana’s work is so much more than what I think of as jewelry. They’re like sculpted metal frames for gloriously colorful enamels that create abstract images / bugs / moths / flowers… all done with such meticulous craftsmanship. 💖

A private 360 tour of our gallery

New Article - Ceramics Monthly

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My wife Silvia and I have only been in the gallery business for just over five years now (plus two more years spent managing Crimson Laurel Gallery). It wasn’t something either of us had a background in or even considered when thinking about a career or starting a business, but like many things that happen in life, it just happened. (…)

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